Best Seat In The House
The big game is this week. The championship is at stake. Your favorite team, the one you've been following your whole life, is the home team. The game's been sold out for weeks. You want to be there in person but the online ticket prices are about the same as your monthly mortgage payment. Good news! I've got two sets of tickets. One pair in the last row at the top of the stadium in the corner. The other pair is in the front row right behind your team's bench. With these seats you'd be close enough to talk to your favorite players. You can have either set, no charge and no strings attached. Which pair will you choose?
The game's close but your team's trailing by a few points. There's less than two minutes left, your team has the ball with no timeouts. There's an overwhelming sense of excitement as momentum is favoring your team. Everyone around you is cheering wildly trying to will your team to victory. Would I find you cheering wildly with the rest, arms raised and fists pumping or would you be sitting passively looking at Facebook on your mobile device?
If you're like most guys, you'd take the best seats, your voice would be hoarse and your palms would be stinging from excessive high fives. There's nothing wrong with these choices given the options. What I'm wondering is why most guys don't make the same decisions when it comes to their options every Sunday.
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 ESV
Guys, each week we have access to the best seat in the house. It's not at the stadium, you don't need a $50.00 parking pass and sadly…you won't have much competition when it comes to sitting in the front row. Of course I'm talking about your worship gathering where you attend with the local body each week. Why do us men sit in the back row in church but fight for the front row at the game? Ultimately which seat do we value more? I know the Spirit is present no matter where we sit. This is not a butt check, it's a heart check.
Many of us started following our favorite team because our father or uncle or grandfather followed them. This is the foundation of legacy building. Our children copy what they see more than what they hear. If the leader thinks it's important to be up in the front, those who follow will as well. Men, we set the example through our actions. When it comes to the value you place on worship, what example are you setting? There's certainly more to worship than where you choose to sit, but where you choose to sit speaks volumes.
Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!
Psalm 47:1 ESV
When it's time for praise and worship, it's time to show our passion. The winning score, as time's running out, to gain victory in the championship is worth cheering for but never forget, it's fleeting. As soon as the game's over and over the days that follow the excitement wanes. That excitement you felt won't carry you through a difficult time. The player you lost your voice cheering for isn't going to comfort you when you experience a tragic loss. Worship is not an emotional response, although we certainly experience emotion in the midst of heartfelt worship, it's a relational connection. It's an essential way for us to connect with Jesus, to abide in His presence and to be filled with His love.
If you doubt me on this, read chapter four of the Book of Revelation. Seriously, take a moment now and read it. This is what we'll be doing for eternity as redeemed saints.
Guys, once again our actions reflect our priorities and our values. We're not shy to raise our hands or our voice at the game, why do we hold back when we worship the King? Men are called to zealously lead worship, not sit back to be entertained or put out a half-hearted, check the box effort. King David danced like there was no tomorrow and didn't care what anyone thought. King David, with all his flaws and failings, was a man after God's own heart…according to God. What's holding us back from doing the same.
The next time you gather with the local body for corporate worship, take the empty seat in the front row. Sing praise in a manner the matches your love for Jesus. It doesn't matter if you're off key like me, it's a fragrant aroma and sweet offering to the One worthy of ALL praise. I assure you, it's the best seat in the house.
Writer Carl Cohen.