One Of Those Days
Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”
I am pretty sure that all of you have had “one of those days” before. You know exactly what I’m talking about. The days where nothing goes right and it appears that the day will NEVER end!
I had one of those days just like that a few years ago. At that time, we were living in West Texas. It began when I found out that I had a deposition that I absolutely had to be at in Houston on Friday the day before an event we were hosting at our local church on Saturday night. I was supposed to pick up our speaker from the airport on that Friday night in Midland, but I was going to have to be almost 600 miles away when his flight was supposed to arrive. So other arrangements were made for someone else to pick him up.
We arrived in Houston on Thursday night and got a room at one of the hotels. The next morning, before the deposition, I went outside and found my truck had the side window broken out of it. They had stolen around $500 in tools and a pistol my cousin had left in my truck. There was nothing I could do but file a police report and then go to the deposition.
After a 5 hour deposition, which was absolutely horrible, I called around and found the only place open that could get me a new window put in that afternoon. It was 30 minutes north of downtown Houston. As I was driving there a bad storm set in and a downpour came. At this point I was really getting upset. As the rain was pouring into my truck, through the broken window, I started thinking how bad this was, especially since I had a 9 hour drive back home overnight!
After getting my window repaired I got something to eat and then got back on the road. It had gotten dark and was still pouring down rain and flooding all the roads. I got on the freeway and had only gone a couple of miles when the guy in the lane to my right drove into me. I remember shouting out loud “Seriously!” as I pulled over to the side of the road. We got out of our vehicles, in the pouring rain, and called the police. When he arrived we exchanged information and got a police report. At this point I am wanting nothing more than to get out of Houston and NEVER come back!
I jumped in my truck and checked my phone before taking off. I saw that I had a missed call from the pastor’s son. So I called him back and found out that the speaker had landed in Houston and his flight to Midland was canceled due to all the storms. It just so happened that I was only about 15 minutes from the airport. So I contacted the speaker and then went to the airport to pick him up. We drove all night and ended up getting back home shortly before daylight.
If I hadn’t had my window broken, had to drive north of town to get it repaired, and had the accident on the freeway then the speaker might not have made it to the event. I wish I could say that I trusted God in everything that happened that day, but that isn’t even close to how it happened. In all reality I got pretty upset and mad about everything that day. I am pretty sure I had a pretty good migraine by the time the accident on the freeway happened. All I could do that next day was apologize to God for my thoughts and feelings.
Brothers, God allows things to happen for a reason. Sometimes we get to see his reasons, but other times we don’t. We should ALWAYS trust Him regardless of the situations we are going through. Try to remember this next time something is happening that you just can’t explain or understand why. God is sovereign and is in total control, even when we can’t see it.
Jason Hughs