Have you ever wondered “what if” when you read certain stories in the Bible?  Like what if the apostles hadn’t been able to actually spread the gospel like they did?  What if they had all gotten arrested and killed before they even got started?  Was there a “Plan B” for any issues that would have stopped them from going out into the world and telling all nations the good news?  

What if Noah and his family had gotten sick and died during or right after the global flood that killed all other humans?  Was there a “Plan B” for this situation if it had occurred?

We could look at almost every story in the Bible and ask “what if” this happened instead.  What if no one found Moses when his mother put him in a basket and let him go into the river current, what if David had killed Saul when he had the chance, what if David never stepped up to fight Goliath, what if… FILL IN THE BLANK.   

We can ask these questions, but the obvious answer is that God has never had to have a “Plan B”.  He doesn’t have to because He is in total control of everything.  There is no need for a “Plan B” with God.

So, if that is the case, and it absolutely is, then why do we try to worry about anything going on around us?  Why are we so concerned about the “what if’s” of our own lives?  What if I don’t get the job I am wanting, what if I lose my job, what if the relationship I’m in doesn’t work out, what if my health starts to decline, what if my kids don’t turn out alright, or the countless other things that we worry about.  We can be consumed by questioning or worrying about things in our lives.  Why can we read through the Bible and see God in total control of everything, yet be so concerned when it comes to difficulties in our own lives?  Is He not the same God for us that He was to others that we read about in scripture?!

God is in control and we need to remember that.  He never needs a “Plan B” for anything since He is the controller of ALL things!

I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.  Job 42:2

Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.  Psalm 115:3

The Lord of hosts has sworn: “As I have planned, so shall it be, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand”.  Isaiah 14:24

No matter what you are going through right now, know that God is allowing it for a reason.  We might not know the reason, but He does.  God is in control so who are we to ask “why” or “what if” about anything?  Trust in His reasoning and know that He has no “Plan B” because He doesn’t need one.  The plan He has is the one that WILL happen… because He is in control of everything.  That should give you peace if you are one of His children.  Knowing that our Father has never had a single plan of His going differently than expected means that we should have the strength to go through anything we might face here on earth!



