The Dichotomy of The Warm & Fuzzy

We all know that feeling we get when we attend a good church sermon, or go to a great concert,

or even watch something on YouTube that fires us up. We call that the “warm and fuzzy”, and

the problem is that although that may be the feeling we have when we leave there,

it hardly ever lasts. Are we to go through life with such a temporary grasp on the

gospel? Do we think going from “warm and fuzzy” to “warm and fuzzy” from week to

week is how we advance God’s kingdom? How are we to explain ourselves when we

take such a shallow indulgence of God’s Word? Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ uses

words like eternal and everlasting all throughout scripture, yet we give Him only a quick

thought and move on with our everyday lives. This is far from being obedient, and

teeters on the line of unbelief. We hear God’s Word, but lack the total trust in Him to put

it to action in our lives. Let’s talk about why this happens.

The “why” I’m talking about is unfortunately, yet proportionally, connected to the

idleness and stagnation of man. Our lack of taking the action required to apply the

principles of said “warm and fuzzy” is what is holding us back from advancing in our

walks with Christ. There’s a word for that:

Spineless (adj) - namby-pamby; gutless; wishy-washy; lukewarm; weak in willpower,

courage, or vitality; lacking backbone

I hope that word caught your attention. By my estimation, most men don’t like to be

called spineless. As a matter of fact, it’s kind of like the age-old version of calling

someone “chicken”, and that does not sit well with most men.

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set

before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right

hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2

For three years the apostles watched Jesus live His life, and never once did He crack or

bend. They saw Him break bread with sinner after sinner and time and again He would

break the rules of the religion when love or compassion demanded it. He frustrated His

critics when He encountered misplaced spirituality. He was not intimidated by authority

figures and He was not swayed by public opinion or pressure from society. He simply

would not cave! His doing and His being, like His divinity and humanity, were one.

His identity in His Father was formed in His heart in such a way that the world saw a real

man. One who was free to love, help, heal, serve, teach, confront, and connect radically

with people. Take note, those are all verbs that require action.

Most important for us men, Jesus Christ modeled how to release ourselves fully to God’s

purposes in the face of personal suffering - the real test of a man’s heart.

On that dark evening, the most important thing Jesus might have ever shown us was how

to completely let go of our hearts to God. And that He did. But He also stiffened His

spine. Spine comes from undivided trust in the One who gives us the undivided heart.

There is no sadder or more pathetic man than the one with a heart but no spine. It’s one

thing to feel something (“warm and fuzzy”) and another to put it into practice.

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” -James 1:22

So I will say it again, behind every good decision we make to be in God’s Word or

advance God’s kingdom, is an undivided heart coupled with the nerve of the spine to put

it into action. We must be doers of the Word men!

So, I encourage you to be a man of action. Be the man God calls you to be. It may not happen

overnight, but with practical application of God’s Word, we can only benefit from the fruits we

will see when being obedient believers. We are to be the light gentlemen, and to do so we must

be willing to take action in God’s Word. Believe me, you do not want to be caught sitting on the

sidelines with regret in your heart when Jesus comes. The time to stiffen your spine is now. The

time to act is upon us all. Let us not just be ready, but rapture ready! God Bless You All.



