The Root of the Righteous

Proverbs 12:3 “No one is established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved”

Now we know that “no one is righteous” ROM3:10 except Christ. We’re called to “be holy for I am holy” 1PET1:16

So how can we? 

It starts like everything else: a seed is planted, and roots begin to be established. These roots can only be made in two types of ground. Soft, or Hard. 

Hard ground the roots are shallow. There’s no depth to the roots, so, when a storm comes the tree is knocked down. 

Soft ground, however, allows the roots to drive deep into the earth, and spread themselves wide so when that same storm comes that tree is still standing at the end of it. 

Wickedness, like the type we see today, is a problem. They (the ominous they) are quite literally telling us that evil things are good. Pastors are giving people what their itching ears want to hear, and there is enough trans pride flying around that’ll make anyone sick to their stomach. 

What does the trans community, fake pastors, and people calling evil good all have in common? 


Every one of them. If you’ve ever had a conversation with them, and ask them to explain they can’t, or they flat out refuse too. 

“The root of the righteous”

So if the wicked are liars, what would the root of the righteous be? 

Hopefully you readers are logical thinkers and know the opposite of lies are truths. 

That’s right though, the root of the righteous is truth. 

What is truth? (Podcast shoutout we did an entire episode on it) 

Truth by definition is a fact that is reality at all times for all involved. 

Example; if I say it’s cold. That’s a relative truth to myself. 

If I say on January 21,2023 at 04:47 it in 34 degrees Fahrenheit in North Augusta, Sc. That’s an absolute truth. 

Being grounded in truth is like a tree in the good soft soil. The roots to truth are deep, and wide, and the truth will stand up to whatever storm, no matter how bad it may seem. When the storm passes facts will be facts. 

Don’t sit idly by and let these liars ruin our great nation. 

Learn ways to explain the truth with gentleness, and respect. 1PET3:15

I genuinely love these people because I see a field ripe for harvest time. LUKE10:2

They are so lost, and people in our families, in our places of work, and everyday conversations everywhere people are trying to rationalize what they know to be a lie. 

It’s our jobs as loving men to speak the truth no matter how hard, and be able to defend that position. 

You will be called names. Hater, Bigot, Homophobic, Transphobic, Bible Thumper, Racist and worse. (Ask them what they mean by that, it stumps them)

Doesn’t matter because you maybe the only person to ever speak truth into that person's life. 

Dr. Frank Turek said “You know why people are talked out of Christianity, it’s because they’ve never been talked into it.” 

Remember your roots are truth, and the truth is hard to argue with when someone is prepared to defend it. 



