This Was Tough To Write.

Matthew 9:12 “When Jesus heard that He said to them. “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.”

We’ve all heard this in the context of sitting in church listening to the stories of Jesus eating with sinners, tax collectors, and prostitutes. We imagine Jesus sitting there, and the mean ole Pharisees coming around making fun of him like a Veggietales episode, and Jesus puts them in their place with this statement.

What if there is more to it? I believe there is. This is just a very basic logic trail so follow me for a moment.

1.We’re sinners

2.We hear the gospel

3.We have faith it's true

4.We submit to the Lordship of Christ

5.We study His teachings

6.We attempt to obey

7.We fail

8.We repent.

Sections 4-8 are on going, well at least for me. I’m constantly studying, and I’m constantly falling shorts. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”

It is through our faith that we are saved by His grace.

1 Peter 1:16 “it is written “be holy for I am holy.”

Well since the above verse is literally impossible for us until we enter Heaven as a new creation we must strive to be that way, and repent when we’re not. As a christian man your prayer life must be built around constant praise for what He has done in your life, and repenting because you deserve none of it.

With all that being said last weekend I spent some time at the Men of Valor Conference with a dear friend Bill, and the topic was that of the alphabet community. I have friends there, and so does he. The reason I met my beautiful bride is because of someone from that community. Bill, like myself, sees the pain they feel, and sees how lost these people really are. It’s all you see on TV, political agendas, and almost everywhere else it’s pandering to that community. Because of this, I believe that’s the biggest disconnect between christians spreading the gospel to them, and them receiving the gospel from us.

How are we going to connect with them let alone any other community of people if all they know of christianity is the one’s screaming with signs at the rallies, that say things like “God Hates Fags” “Trans People Go To Hell” and other crazy things I’ve seen. I see things like that, and it makes me think.

Would Jesus be for this type of behavior when we’re supposed to represent Him?

I personally don’t believe He would. I believe in the story we started with here Jesus took a different approach. I believe he sat with these “sinners” to show them what to do. I don’t believe He “affirmed” their gender identity, or whatever you call it.

Reading through scripture you see where Jesus was 100% Grace, and 100% Truth.

Jesus chose the word “Physician” for a reason. The Greek word is iatros, which literally means doctor. What does a doctor do? A doctor sits with, listens, and then tells you an uncomfortable truth.

How many times have you sat with a doctor and told him everything that is wrong with you, and the doctor goes, well you’re overweight because you don’t eat correctly or exercise. You have lung cancer because you refuse to quit smoking.

These are things that come to my mind when thinking of Jesus sitting with sinners. He was there to not only show grace to them, be nice, and be an example, but also let them hear a hard truth once they had a relationship with Him.

How many relationships do you have in the secular world with the sole purpose of listening to them, loving them, just so that your lifestyle plants, and a seed so when the time comes you’re prepared, and able to give a hard truth from a place of love?

My challenge for you men is to ask that person from a community you call weird, or sinful to lunch or coffee. Get to know them, find out their stories, and share the gospel.

That's what we’re called to do. Love with 100% grace and 100% truth. You don’t have to agree with them. You don’t have to like them, but through showing grace, humbling yourself, and reaching out you will make an impact for the kingdom. If every christian man made just one relationship with a community as small as theirs we could change the perception of christianity in their eyes, and maybe win a soul or two for the Kingdom. The thing is we get so mad because of things they say, or do. We’re judging them based on a biblical standard, but to them that biblical standard doesn’t apply. They don’t know it, and are not bound by it, so how can we judge them based on it, until we get to know them, and they know us, and we have these difficult conversations.

I think this is just another avenue of approach christian men can take in leading the way for The Kingdom of God.


