
But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Genesis 19:26

Our actions have consequences and sometimes they are severe.

When you read through the story of Lot in Genesis and the destruction

of Sodom and Gomorrah, you can focus on Lot’s wife and blame her for

looking back. Unfortunately, she did look back and paid a heavy

consequence for that action. As men, we are called to be the leaders of

our families and we should view this story much differently.

Lot chose to live “near” Sodom and then eventually moved into

town itself. In the beginning, he might have thought that living just

outside the town would be alright, but eventually he became less and

less sensitive to the sin going on there and moved right in with them.

Instead of seeing what was going on in Sodom and running from it, he

chose to move his family into this place that was full of sin and wrong-


As time went on, and they were surrounded by all the evil there,

they became more and more desensitized to this world they were living

in. Lot himself even offered his two young daughters to the town men

to be raped and abused in order to try and save a couple of strangers

he was trying to protect. He fell into the very evil he should have run

from. Leading and protecting his wife and children was his

responsibility, but because of his choices he put his family into extreme

physical danger. More importantly, he put them into spiritual danger.

He did not lead them in the way of the Lord.

Just before Sodom is destroyed, Lot and his family were shown

grace and spared from the wrath of God. Lot was told “Do not look

back when leaving the city” and he again fell short by allowing his wife

to follow behind him. He should have let them go first as he followed

and made sure that none of his family turned around to look back.

Men, we are called to lead our families closer to God and build

them up in their walk with the Lord. Are you doing that? There are

consequences for our actions and we are held responsible for how we

lead our families. This is NOT an option! You are going to lead them…

will it be in the ways of this world or the ways of the Lord?!


The Root of the Righteous PTII

