The Root of the Righteous PTII

Proverbs 12:3 No one is established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved. 

As we discussed in part I we all have a root for our thinking, decision making, and it boils down to good and bad choices. 

While writing that first devotional I was not happy with the constant barrage of Pride Month, Trans Flags everywhere, and every store I walked into taking the very symbol of God’s promise, and trampling it underfoot to push wickedness. 

It was brought to my attention that I sounded angry in the post by my accountability brothers here at  Fort Iron. While the overall message is the same I felt it necessary to do a follow up to clarify. 

In Isaiah the prophet is speaking to Israel. He is telling them all the things they’re doing wrong. You hear the phrase “Woe to those” numerous times throughout the book. He is calling his country men to repentance, and to get back on the path of righteousness. 

That is exactly what needs to happen today. Men need to stand up, and stand out for their faith. John was poisoned, Peter was crucified, others sawn in half, Elijah was hated, and so was Isaiah, but these men stood up for God when no one else would. 

So why did they choose that life? 

Because they knew that Jesus was God. 

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 

So out of their love for Christ the happily went through persecution to get His name glorified. They went through trials because they knew He way the only way for a better life, a hopeful eternity, finding truth, and a path to meaningful purpose. 

John 14:6 I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. 

So that brings us here. Why would my message seem angry? Why would some want to be angry with me for saying the things I said. 

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil. Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 

21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!

Isaiah here is calling Israel out. 

I’m calling it out as well as loving as I can. I’m calling you people to repent. Real Christianity is not our church services on a Sunday. That’s for the equipping of Christian’s for us to learn. Our mission is to spread the gospel (MAT28:19), expose darkness (EPH5:11),communicate that gently, and effectively (1PET3:15) 

The problem is even in the church, and among Christian’s we aren’t listening to these words above. 

How many Christian’s think an abortion is okay in certain circumstances? 

How many Christian’s think lying is acceptable in certain circumstances? 

How many Christian’s say things like I don’t want to be confrontational, or Jesus said “don’t judge”, or some other verse out of context. 

How many Christian’s say to the alphabet community “you’re were born this way, and God still loves you”? 

While that may be true, you may have been born gay, or trans, but Jesus said “you must be born again” 

He calls us to better life not of our enjoyment, but for His glory. 

I was asked one time, when discussing the abortion and rape issue, Cody if one of your daughters was raped and got pregnant would you allow her to get an abortion? 

Here’s the answer for all to see. NO I WOULD NOT. 

The baby doesn’t need to be punished for the crimes of his father. I believe in punishment for the violator, not the violated. 

With tears streaming down my face as I hold my daughter who has just been through an unspeakable trauma, consoling her with the Word, and a fathers presence I would do everything in my power to make sure the violator had every punishment our judicial system offers up to public execution because of his crimes, but the baby that’s inside of her is not the issue, and mommy and daddy will help you as long as you need us to. 

Evil is not good, and good is not evil. 

There is no gray area in right and wrong. You’re either in accordance with Gods will or you’re not. 

I personally, I hope you do to, strive to constantly walk in the ways the Bible lays out for me. 

I pray that more Christian’s will be less concerned for how they look, and not to judge, and more concerned with daily disciplines that get in a closer relationship with God no matter the earthly consequences. I’ve lost friends, and don’t talk to some family members because although I’m not always just calling out every sin I see in my life and other I am always using every opportunity to talk about The Word, to teach my children when occasions arise that I can connect to the Bible and people don’t like it just because it makes them uncomfortable. Trust me. It makes me uncomfortable too. 

I hope this clarifies, and convicts you to do better. 

Love you gentlemen, my hope is we are all aligning our wills with His. 



