
Have you ever just thought about your day and how certain things

are a priority? One example would be sleeping each day. Most people

sleep 6-8 hours every single day of their life. It is a necessity for all of

us to get sleep each and every day. The same thing could be said about

eating. We all make time each day to eat throughout every day too.

How many of us spend 40 plus hours a week going to work? We all set

priorities in our lives. Jesus says in Luke 12:23 “For life is more than

food, and the body more than clothing” and in Matthew 4:4 “Man

shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the

mouth of God”.

If you were to make out a timesheet for every 24 hours of each

day what would that say about your priorities. Would it be something

like this: 8 hours of sleep/ 1 hour to get shower, eat breakfast, and get

ready for work/ .5 hour drive to work/ 8 hours at work/ .5 hour drive

home from work/ 1 hour to cook dinner and eat with family/ 4 hours to

watch television, talk with kids about school, scroll through social

media, go to kids sports or school activities, workout at the gym, or

maybe enjoy a hobby/ 1 hour to get ready for bed and unwind for the

day ?

All of these can be good, especially eating, sleeping, and working

to provide for your family. But how much time are we spending on our

time in the Word each day? How much time are we spending in prayer

praying over our wives, children, and those around us? How much time

are we spending on equipping our family to become more like Jesus?

Are we even doing that at all? We should all have one main priority, to

serve God with everything we have. Our finances and other resources

along with the time that we have here each day. The time that has

been given to us by Him and Him alone. Dedicating 15 minutes to read

a daily devotional, like this one, should never be all you are doing. We

should hunger for God’s Word more than we hunger for anything else.

We should have a burning drive within us to equip our wives and

children and lead them in the ways of the Lord as well!

We only have a certain amount of time here on earth before we

pass away. What will what you spent your time here say about you?

What will it look like for your wife and children after you are gone? Will

they have a solid foundation to continue their personal walk with Jesus

even through a tragedy? We are called to make sure that they ARE

READY for the battle the enemy will bring. So, let’s start making this

our main priority today! It should be the most important priority in

your life!

“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be


1 Corinthians 16:13




Kindness & Truth