
Every man’s favorite verse. 

Colossians 3:18 “ Wives submit to your husbands,”

Ephesians 5:22 “ wives submit to your own husbands”

1 Corinthians 11:3 “…… and the head of woman is man.”

1 Timothy 2:11 “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.” 

Feels good doesn’t it?  God wants us on top. Well 

This isn’t going to go the way you think it is. 

I hear men complain about their wives, and talk down about situations they find themselves in. It’s pretty daggum aggravating if you ask me. 

Ephesians 5:25 “husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her. “

What part of trash talking your bride fits in with that verse? 

I don’t think it does. 

We submit to Christ because He is our perfect savior. The God who became like us, and showed us He was literally the only one who could do it right. We submit to Christ for his sacrifice on the cross. If we’re going to be punished, and we deserve to be, but Jesus stepped in and said “no I’ll take it” then He gets absolutely brutalized, I would say slaughtered in my place, and then resurrected Himself like he said I’m submitting to that type of Divine love. 

Now back to our verses up top. 

Are you living a life that your wife willingly wants to submit to your biblical authority? 

If you’re paying lip service to Christianity, and not living it out, your wife knows. 

She is supposed to be the most intimate earthly relationship you have. She should be the first to call you out, in love. 

When you lead like you’re supposed to, she’ll submit naturally. 

I believe this is where a bunch of marital issues come from for Christian couples. 

She is in The Word more than you. 

She serves more than you. 

She takes more notes on Sunday service. 

She has ladies meetings

Prayer meetings

The list could go on. It’s a literal statistic that women are more involved in a church lifestyle. 

Now imagine if it was reversed. You may still have issues, spiritual attacks, and sifting from the Lord, but you’re leading correctly, and your bride will naturally stay in her lane, so to speak. 

My bride and I had struggled with this, and it was until I put on my big boy pants, and became the spiritual leader I was supposed to be our arguments went to discussions. Our aggravation turned to prayers.  When you lead in Christ, she follows. 

Nothing against a woman whatsoever, but it takes a different kind of woman to lead a man. 

That’s because it’s not her job, and she’s out of alignment. 

So to finish us off, 

Are you submitted to Christ the way you want your bride to submit? 

If not, hit your knees and fix it.



