Warriors For Christ

What exactly does it mean to you when you hear… “God made man in His own image.”  Do you first think of physical appearance?...or even qualities or traits?  Or do you go even further and believe maybe He instills in us His heart in order to love us as He does?  Well that is a very loaded question to ponder gentlemen.  To me, the first thing that comes to mind is the word “man”.  When God made man, what exactly did He create?  Not just a male, but a “man”…in every sense of the word!  What does it mean to be a man?  I believe God made every man to be a leader, and a WARRIOR for Christ!

Yes, every man is to be a leader.  When something needs to be done, a man seeks to do it.  He doesn’t look around for someone else to accomplish the task, he doesn’t make excuses or procrastinate, he doesn’t complain, slander, or gossip. He does not become lazy or complacent. He chooses to make a difference, wherever he is.

As men, we are all leaders.  It is what God calls us to be.  We are warriors in God’s service, claiming territory from the enemy, and we should all strive to live up to that which God has appointed us.  We are not called to worry about the war, but we are called to win the battles in front of us!

“Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows (those in need and the oppressed) in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”  James 1:27

So what does that look like you ask?  We must have character within us to live uprightly for Christ day in and day out, to walk through this life with unswerving integrity, living by the Lord’s standards and righteous principles, and have a solid conscience with unwavering convictions 100% of the time. Sounds like a lot doesn’t it? Well, would you believe me if I told you that God equips us for those purposes?

I believe that every man, every leader, every warrior for Christ should strive to have courageous integrity, humility, strength (spiritual and physical), service, and sacrifice.  What do these aspects look like in a leader and warrior for Christ?

“Be shepherds of Gods flock that is under your care, watching over them – not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.”  1 Peter 5:2-3

This means being a leader in every aspect.  It means being a leader as a husband, a father, a brother, a friend, a leader in the church, and in the community.  EVERY attribute of leadership runs through our veins as men of God, we need only apply it practically in our every day lives.  Men, this is a calling. A calling that we as men better start answering before the time comes when it is too late.  I encourage you all to stand up, go to the nearest mirror and take a good hard look at yourself.  If you don’t see a leader staring back at you then it’s time for change.  It’s time to accept the calling on your life and the purposes for which God made you!  It’s time for us to bring the light into the places where darkness lurks.  It’s time for us to be the light wherever we go.  Our goal should be to be so on fire that those we encounter can’t help but get lit too!  Everyone we encounter should not see us, but see Christ in us.  It’s time to take the war to the enemy and start winning battle after battle until the kingdom comes.  It’s time to fight. It’s time to be a warrior for Christ. It’s time to be a MAN.

“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be strong, and act like a man.”   1 Corinthians 16:13


Sola Scriptura

