Sola Scriptura

     Sola Scriptura, what is it? And why do we need to make it the main stage in our churches again?

     Let’s start with the first word, Sola, which means "alone" and then Scriptura which means “scripture”.  These words together quite literally mean "Scripture Alone". When people are talking about sola scriptura they are often referring to the sufficiency of scripture. 

Matthew 4:4 “it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that come from the mouth of God”

     That is just the first verse that comes to mind when thinking about Sola Scriptura.

     Where do words come from? From the mouth. So scripture (God’s Word) is what we are to live on!  There is no better or easier way to state that. Scripture alone is the motto for a reason. 

John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

     Does the Word of God tell us everything we want to know? How does a tiny seed become a giant redwood tree, how do black holes form, what is the mathematical equation to figure out the trajectory of a .300 ultra mag aimed at a target 1300 meters away with 24 mph winds east to west from an elevated shooter position? NO, the bible is not going to give us an answer to everything we want to know. But, you know what it does do though? It gives us answers to everything we need. It gives us answers to life's most serious of questions.  How and who to take care of, how to be a better person, how to prepare for life after death, how to run a home, city, or nation for that matter. The Scriptures contained in the Bible gives us anything and everything we could possibly ever need.

2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”

     Now onto today, how many church leaders, pastors, small group leaders pick a topic of discussion, and then go to the Bible to find verses or stories that fit into their narrative based around said topic? I hear it and see it ALL THE DAGGUM TIME. Now while it is okay to be topical in your sermons or small groups, what is not okay is taking the entire bible to use this way. That is called eisegesis or “reading into” scripture.  

Example: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Phillipians 4:13. 

     I’ve heard this verse preached without even the mention of God's will to spread the gospel, and the fact that if you’re in the Lord's will, doing his work, you can accomplish the goal of spreading the gospel through the strength of Christ. As an example, this verse was used once to pump up a football team losing at halftime. Through prayer, and this verse taken out of context the coach said that is why they won. 

     What about Jeremiah 29:11 For I Know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 

     Anyone ever heard a Kenneth Copeland, Joel Olsteen, or T.D. Jakes sermon? That verse is taken out of context by every prosperity preacher there is.

John 11:10 “But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.”


     Here at The Fort we used the exact opposite when studying Scripture.  We use a process called Exegesis, which means, to “take out” of. Or to find the actual meaning.  We are not coming to the word with an idea and trying to make it fit, we are coming to the word, studying it, and then taking out of it what it says. You can do it too. There are a few hermeneutical principles to look at to do it properly, but it is the best way to get practical application from these ancient texts. 

     The Reformers of the 16th century also believed this. That's how they studied, and why the protestant movement ended up happening. They were convinced that they didn’t need to be told what the scriptures said, and they knew they needed to read it themselves. They knew everyone else did as well. They knew that man was sinful, and “The Church” at the time couldn’t be relied upon to give us the scripture directly. That is why the reformation happened. So we could have the very word of God for ourselves and to make these interpretations and applications to our lives the way God intended. Not just by listening to the word, but by being able to study it. These reformers found that scripture alone is the only authority we should submit our spiritual lives too. 

     We live in a fallen world where we have to submit to a job and government, but our submission to Christ and our submission to God’s will comes first. As receivers of an inheritance through adoption, our submission to God by honoring Him with everything we do always comes first. 

Soli Deo Gloria, Glory to God Alone 

     Just like a carpenter has a hammer, mechanics have wrenches, and police officers have handcuffs, a Christian's equipment is Scripture. It alone has everything you need. 

Sola Scriptura- Soli Deo Gloria


Solus Christus


Warriors For Christ